Flesh & Metal v1.3 released!

Hey all!

Quick update here to let you know that my Forged in the Dark cyber-horror game Deep in a Matrix of Flesh and Metal has finally been released! Until now, the game was only available in a non-standalone, work-in-progress state via my Patreon - this v1.3 release represents it entering a more-or-less finished, standalone state under the Forged in the Dark license, usable without having to reference Blades in the Dark or its SRD, and with a few extra goodies like sidebars, a bit of spit and polish here and there, all that jazz. There might be more to come in future, like endgame options and whatnot, but for now, this is it!

Check it out, and let me know if you bring it to your table. I want to know who your characters manage to piss off, what kind of nasty injuries they sustain, who catches Markov Syndrome first, that kind of thing.

Keep it weird folks!


Flesh_and_Metal1-3.pdf 26 MB
Jun 01, 2024

Get Deep in a Matrix of Flesh and Metal

Buy Now10.00€ EUR or more

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